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Testosterone is an incredibly strong hormone. For most of a man's life it dictates his behaviour, shapes his body and influences his thinking. It should come as no surprise therefore, that it is an integral part of the chemical balance of the male body. There are dependencies and co-dependencies amongst other hormones and vitamins, which are now beginning to be understood a little better. It is fast becoming an important area of research.

Because it was, and still is, believed to be capable of exciting him to aggression and sexual misconduct, past generations of men and women often considered it a relief when a man reached an age when its production declined and his sex drive began to wane. Recent research shows the Testosterone deficient male is also vulnerable to unpleasant, anti-social side effects. So now, we are beginning to understand that testosterone is a good thing to maintain in the body as a vital part of male health and mental stability.

Unlike women, who stop producing oestrogen after menopause, men produce testosterone all their lives. However, after the male menopause, (Andropause), production does decline. Research has shown that if production falls below normal, it can cause a man to suffer a loss of libido, mood swings, hot flashes, depression and fatigue. Physical problems can emerge as well: Without it, muscles become less defined and more feminine, the skin softens and bones become more brittle (osteoporosis).

Once a normal male is fully grown, regular production of the hormone is controlled by the pituitary gland, which monitors the level in the blood and stimulates production whenever it's needed. The is a significant percentage of young men who do not develop normal hormone production, who go un-noticed, unless they are extreme cases and are very late to puberty.

Given that low Testosterone side-effects include depression, mood swings and lethargy, the pyschological effect on a Testosterone deficient, pubescent boy growing up in the modern world perhaps should not be underestimated.

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This page was last updated on Mar 29, 2018
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