The Testicular Cancer Resource Center |
The Testicular Cancer Resource Center is a charitable organization devoted to helping people understand testicular and extragonadal germ cell tumors. Specifically, we provide accurate and timely information about these tumors and their treatment to anyone and everyone interested. We have information for patients, caregivers, family, friends, and physicians. We believe that our information and links are of the highest quality, and we are blessed with the support of some of the finest doctors in the field.
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How the TCRC came to be...
When I was first diagnosed with testicular cancer way back in October 1992, I knew
Over the next couple on months we created an email support group for people to discuss their experiences and ask questions; a personal stories section where guys who've gone through testicular cancer can document their experiences for others to read and learn from; and an email support list that allowed people on the net to privately contact others similar to themselves and ask questions. Our biggest break was to become associated with Lance Armstrong (long before the luster disappeared from his name). Lance was diagnosed about the same time as Chris, and Lance hooked up with Chris right away. This gave us a lot of motivation to get things going, and it also got us in contact with some of the best testicular cancer experts in the world. These experts (primarily Craig Nichols and Rich Foster) helped us ensure that all of the medical facts found on our site were well grounded in reality. To make a long story short, Chris and I spent more than two and a half years doing what we could, in conjunction with many other doctors and knowledgeable lay-people, to help as many guys and their family/friends as we could. To date we have been in contact with thousands of TC patients, and we have worked with men from literally all around the globe. In 1999 Chris decided to leave the TCRC to concentrate his energy on the Lance Armstrong Foundation and their mission in promoting Cancer Survivorship. After Chris left, I asked Nick O'hara Smith to join me in administering the TCRC. I had run into Nick years before when he tried to create a USENET group for testicular cancer. His internet and cancer experience have proven invaluable, and I'm glad for his assistance over the years. Sadly, Nick died of a heart attack in December 2018, possibly as a consequence of radiation to his chest that he received during treatment for his cancer. Thankfully they don't use this treatment anymore for testicular cancer. If you have any questions about the TCRC or have a need for information that we have not covered on the site, click on my photo above and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
![]() This page was last updated on
Feb 05, 2023
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