- Rick - USA -

- Diagnosed at age 42 (Mar 98) with a Primary Retroperitoneal Seminoma.
Treated with Chemotherapy.
- Mike - Philadelphia, PA -

- Diagnosed at age 28 (Apr 00) with a Primary Mediastinal Nonseminoma the
size of a grapefruit. He was treated with 4xBEP, surgery, and an additional
2 cycles of EP. He is now cancer free! You don't know what its like until
you go through it yourself. It helps to find someone who has what you have.
- Peter & Mandy - UK -

- Diagnosed at age 32 (Apr 96) with a mediastinal seminoma. We are both
more than happy to correspondwith others in similar circumstances and
are particularly interested in talking to others with extragonadal
tumours. Peter has been in remission since August 1996 (3xBEP - part of
trial of 3 higher dose courses instead of 4). The tumor was the size of
a grapefruit and only discovered due to pain from it having chipped
away some of his breastbone (no other symptoms). The chemo caused it
to shrink completely and he is now on 3 month check ups (blood tests
and chest x-ray) and annual CT scan.
- Hugh - North Carolina
- Diagnosed at age 35 (Mar 00) with a mediastinal nonseminoma (Choriocarcinoma).
The tumors involved the anterior mediastinal area with metastases to both lungs.
My Beta HCG level went from 465,435 down to less than 2 over the past year.
I was Treated with 4 cycles VIP chemotherapy. I Lost over 35 pounds during
treatments. In April 2001 I had a mediastinotomy for tumor excision from both
lungs and the sack around my heart. Currently in remission. Now addressing fertility issues
after cancer treatment.