Books Related to Testicular Cancer |
Testicular Cancer is relatively rare. We all know that. So while you can go to the nearest book store and find a shelf of books on breast cancer or prostate cancer or heart disease, you simply are not going to find a book on testicular cancer. Fortunately, that does not mean that they don't exist; you just have to look harder. The online bookstores make this simple.
What follows is a list of all the books that I could find that dealt in some way with testicular or extragonadal germ cell tumors. While a few medical books at the bottom of the page discuss the nature and treatment of the disease, most of these books talk about cancer through a biography. I have not read them all, but the ones I have are very compelling and informative.
Biographies / Personal Stories
Lance Armstrong: World Champion Cyclist, Nonseminoma
- It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life - Despite the bad things that Lance did after beating cancer, this is a good book! It gives a very detailed and personal view of Lance's thoughts during his diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. There is a lot of cycling in there too, but you do not need to be a cycling fan to enjoy it.
Brian Piccolo: Football Player, Mediastinal Nonseminoma
- Brian Piccolo: A Short Season - An excellent book that provides a far more detailed look at Brian Picollo's experience with cancer. The author, Jeannie Morris, was the wife on one of the other Chicago Bears player, so the book also talks a lot about the relationship between Brian and the other Bears. It has a sad ending, but it is highly recommended.
Scott Hamilton: Olympic Figure Skater, Nonseminoma
Robert Lipsyte: Sportswriter and Author, Nonseminoma? x 2
John Baker: Runner/Coach, Nonseminoma
- A Shining Season : The True Story of John Baker - By William J. Buchanan. This inspiring book was first published in 1978, and it has been continuously in print ever since. It is widely used in many school curriculums. It details John's diagnosis of metastatic testicular cancer (a death sentence in 1970), and what he did with his life before cancer took it from him. (Movie)
Mark H. Gerner: Pentagon Officer, Nonseminoma x 2
- Climbing Back : A Journey With Cancer - An army officer's two time journey through diagnosis, surgery, treatment and recovery from testicular cancer. For those of you in the armed forces, it also discusses the trials and tribulations of staying on active duty after treatment for cancer.
Bob Losure: News Anchor and Motivational Speaker, Nonseminoma
Steve Scott: Runner, Nonseminoma
John Kruk: Baseball Player, Seminoma
Bob Champion: Jockey, Nonseminoma?
Fitzhugh Mullan: Physician, Mediastinal Seminoma
Paul Savage, Jr: Just a regular guy with Stage IIb Nonseminoma
Miscellaneous Non-Fiction
- I Choose to Fight - The story of a young man's miraculous victory over testicular cancer, a story of courage, power and love. Out of print.
Miscellaneous Fiction
- Cancer Ward - Solzhenitsyn's vaguely autographical experience with testicular cancer (Seminoma).
Medical Books